1. Department of System Management in Nursing, Graduate School of Health Care Sciences; Tokyo Medical and Dental University; Tokyo Japan
2. Palliative Care Team, Department of Palliative and Supportive Care; National Kyushu Cancer Center; Fukuoka Japan
3. Department of Palliative and Supportive Care, Palliative Care Team; Seirei Mikatahara General Hospital; Hamamatsu-shi Japan
4. Department of Palliative Medicine; National Cancer Center Hospital East; Kashiwa Japan
5. Department of Community Health, School of Health Sciences; Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine; Miyagi Japan
6. Department of Palliative Medicine; Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine; Kobe Japan
7. Tsukuba Medical Center Hospital, Department of Palliative Medicine; Tsukuba Medical Center Foundation; Tsukuba Japan
8. Department of Human Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine; Kyoto University; Kyoto Japan
9. Department of Palliative Nursing, Department of Health Sciences; Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine; Miyagi Japan