Copy number variations inDCC/18q andERBB2/17q are associated with disease-free survival in microsatellite stable colon cancer


Sefrioui David123,Vermeulin Thomas4,Blanchard France35,Chapusot Caroline6,Beaussire Ludivine2,Armengol-Debeir Laura1,Sesboué Richard23,Gangloff Alice123,Hebbar Mohamed7,Copin Marie-Christine8,Houivet Estelle4,Schwarz Lilian9,Clatot Florian10,Tuech Jean-Jacques9,Bénichou Jacques4,Martin Laurent6,Bouvier Anne-Marie11,Sabourin Jean-Christophe235,Sarafan-Vasseur Nasrin23,Frébourg Thierry2,Lepage Côme11,Michel Pierre123,Di Fiore Frédéric12310


1. Digestive Oncology Unit, Department of Hepato-Gastroenterology; Rouen University Hospital; Rouen France

2. Inserm U1079, University of Rouen, Institute for Biomedical Research and Innovation; Rouen France

3. EquIpe de Recherche en ONcogie (IRON), Rouen University Hospital; Rouen France

4. Department of Biostatistics; Rouen University Hospital; Rouen France

5. Department of Pathology; Rouen University Hospital; Rouen France

6. Department of Pathology; Dijon University Hospital, University of Burgundy; Dijon France

7. Department of Medical Oncology; Lille University Hospital; Lille France

8. Department of Pathology; Lille University Hospital; Lille France

9. Department of Surgery; Rouen University Hospital; Rouen France

10. Department of Medical Oncology; Centre Henri Becquerel; Rouen France

11. Digestive Cancer Registry of Burgundy, INSERM U866, University Hospital Dijon, University of Burgundy; Dijon France




Cancer Research,Oncology

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