1. Alt R. andM.Zoback(2014) Development of a detailed stress map of Oklahoma for avoidance of potentially active faults when siting wastewater injection wells Abstract S51A‐4434 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting AGU San Francisco Calif.
2. Andrews R.(2012) Oklahoma borehole lithology intervals AASG Geothermal Data Repository online data download fromhttp://repository.stategeothermaldata.org/repository/resource/b99f8f8e3a7d798d77d4c343bd103913/ accessed June 2016.
3. Possible extension of the Midcontinent Rift in west Texas and eastern New Mexico
4. Barrett C.(1980) A gravity and magnetic study of the Kingfisher anomaly 45pp north‐central Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma M.S. Thesis.
5. Proterozoic history of the midcontinent region of North America