1. EPA, “Guidelines on Air Quality Models (Revised),” EPA-450/4-78-027R, USEPA, RTP, NC 27711 (NTIS PB 86-245248) (1986).
2. and , Guidelines for Use of Vapor Cloud Dispersion Models, Center for Chemical Process Safety, AIChE (1987).
3. and , “Workbook of Test Cases for Vapor Cloud Source Dispersion Models,” Center for Chemical Process Safety, AIChE J. (1989).
4. EPA, “A Workbook of Screening Techniques for Assessing Impacts of Toxic Air Pollutants,” EPA-450/4.88-089, USEPA, RTP, NC (Sept. 1988).
5. EPA, “Guidance on the Application of Refined Dispersion Models for Air Toxic Releases,” EPA-450/4-91-007, USEPA, RTP, NC (March 1991).