1. Department of Pharmacognosy with Medicinal Plant Unit; Medical University of Lublin; 1 Chodźki 20-093 Lublin Poland
2. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Medical University of Lublin; 1 Chodźki 20-093 Lublin Poland
3. Department of Pathophysiology; Medical University of Lublin; 8 Jaczewskiego 20-090 Lublin Poland
4. Department of Food and Nutrition; Medical University of Lublin; 4a Chodźki. 20-093 Lublin Poland
5. Armen Instrument Application Laboratory; ZI Kermelin 56890 Saint Avé France
6. Immunocon Biotech Sp. z o. o.; 39A Zana 20-601 Lublin Poland
7. Department of Cosmetology; University of Information Technology and Management; 2 Sucharskiego 35-225 Rzeszów Poland