1. Department of Oncology; Athens Medical Center; Marousi Greece
2. Laboratory of Molecular Oncology; Hellenic Foundation for Cancer Research/Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; Thessaloniki Greece
3. Translational Research Section; Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group; Athens Greece
4. Section of Biostatistics; Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group; Data Office; Athens Greece
5. STRATIFYER Molecular Pathology GmbH; Cologne Germany
6. First Department of Medicine; Laiko General Hospital; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Medicine; Athens Greece
7. Department of Clinical Therapeutics; Alexandra Hospital; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Medicine; Athens Greece
8. Department of Medical Oncology; Faculty of Medicine; School of Health Sciences; Papageorgiou Hospital; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; Thessaloniki Greece
9. Division of Oncology; Department of Medicine; University Hospital; University of Patras Medical School; Patras Greece
10. Second Department of Medical Oncology; Metropolitan Hospital; Piraeus Greece
11. Department of Medical Oncology; Ioannina University Hospital; Ioannina Greece
12. Department of Pathology; Metropolitan Hospital; Piraeus Greece
13. First Department of Medical Oncology; Metropolitan Hospital; Piraeus Greece
14. Oncology Section; Second Department of Internal Medicine; Hippokration Hospital; Athens Greece
15. Second Department of Medical Oncology; Hygeia Hospital; Athens Greece
16. Third Department of Medical Oncology; Agii Anargiri Cancer Hospital; Athens Greece
17. Department of Medical Oncology; 424 Army General Hospital; Thessaloniki Greece
18. Oncology Unit; Hippokration Hospital; Athens Greece
19. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; Thessaloniki Greece