1. , , , , and , ‘Fortran D language specification’, Department of Computer Science Rice COMP TR90-141, Rice University (December 1990).
2. D. Loveman (Ed.), ‘Draft high performance Fortran language specification, version 1.0’, Technical Report CRPC-TR92225, Center for Research on Parallel Computation, Rice University, (January 1993).
3. Programming in Vienna Fortran
4. Compiling Fortran 90D/HPF for Distributed Memory MIMD Computers
5. and , ‘Value-based distributions in fortran d - a preliminary report’, Technical Report CRPC-TR93365-S, Center for Research on Parallel Computation, Rice University (December 1993). To appear in Journal of Programming Languages - Special Issue on Compiling and Run-Time Issues for Distributed Address Space Machines.