1. The Book of Abstracts of the 8th European Conference on Biomaterials (ISBN 90-72101-02-2) can be ordered from the Conference Secretary, Fraunhofer Institut für Werkstoffmechanik, Wöhlerstr. 11, D-7800 Freiburg (FRG) at a price of DM 40.
2. The proceedings of this conference will be published as Vol. 9 of Advances in Biomaterials, (Eds.): Clinical Implant Materials, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam 1990.
3. The Book of Abstracts of the 2nd International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine (ISBN 3-925543-04-X) can be ordered from the Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft e.V., Frankfurter Str. 196, D-5000 Köln 90 (FRG) at a price of DM 30.
4. The proceedings of this symposium will be published as (Ed.): Bioceramics Vol. 2, Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft, Köln 1990 at a price of DM 185.