1. ‘Quadrature formulae for finite-part integrals’, CSIR Special Report WISK 178, National Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, CSIR, P.O. Box 395, Pretoria 0001, South Africa, 1975.
2. ‘On the numerical evaluation of finite-part integrals involving an algebraic singularity’, CSIR Special Report WISK 179, National Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, CSIR, P.O. Box 395, Pretoria 0001, South Africa, 1975.
3. ‘Equispaced quadrature formula for finite-part integrals involving a logarithmic singularity’, CSIR Special Report WISK 253, National Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, CSIR, P.O. Box 395, Pretoria 0001, South Africa, 1977.
4. The numerical evaluation of principal value integrals by finite-part integration
5. and (eds.), Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, 1st Dover edn (9th printing, 1972), Dover, New York, 1965.