1. and , Finite Element Analysis of Arbitrary Thin Shells, Proceedings ACI Symposium on Concrete Thin Shells, New York, 1970.
2. and , Curved Thick Shell and Membrane Elements with Particular Reference to Axi-Symmetric Problems, Proceedings Second Conference on Matrix Methods in Structural Mechanics, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, 1968.
3. Analysis of thick and thin shell structures by curved finite elements
4. and , Stress Analysis of Axi-Symmetric Solids using Higher Order Quadrilateral Finite Elements, Structural Engineering Laboratory Report No. SESM 69-3, University of California, Berkeley, 1969.
5. The Analysis of Thick to Moderately Thin Shells by the Finite Element Method, Structural Engineering Laboratory Report No, UCSESM 70-12, University of California, Berkeley, 1970.