1. and , ‘Static and dynamic finite element analysis of sandwich structures’, Proc. Conf. Matrix Meth. Struct. Mech., Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, 1969, pp. 213-245.
2. and , ‘Finite element analysis of sandwich plates and cylindrical shells with laminated faces’, Proc. Conf. Matrix Meth. Struct. Mech., Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, 1969, pp. 573-616.
3. and , Finite Element Analysis of Sandwich Panels, IUTAM Symposium on High Speed Computing of Elastic Structures, Liège, 1970.
4. Buckling of Multilayer Plates by Finite Elements, Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate College of the Oklahoma State University, 1967.
5. Theory of bending multi-layer sandwich plates.