1. World Health Organization (WHO) WHO Director‐General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID‐19 –11 March 2020 available athttps://www.who.int/dg/speeches/detail/who‐director‐general‐s‐opening‐remarks‐at‐the‐media‐briefing‐on‐covid‐19—11‐march‐2020. Accessed August 1 2020.
2. Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID‐19) Outbreak March 13 2020 available athttps://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential‐actions/proclamation‐declaring‐national‐emergency‐concerning‐novel‐coronavirus‐disease‐covid‐19‐outbreak/. Accessed August 1 2020.
3. Historically underrepresented and marginalized (HURM) students include the following four race and ethnicity categories: African American Hispanic or Latino American Indian or Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. These four race and ethnicity categories are defined by the U.S. Department of Education for reporting data from higher education institutions.
4. The 14 clinical areas included in the 2020 ADEA survey for assessment of senior students’ perception of adequacy of clinical experience are: Restorative – Direct Restorations Extraction Geriatric Dentistry Fixed Prostheses Removable Prostheses Treatment Planning Preventive Examination and Diagnosis Pediatric Dental Care Periodontal Therapy Dentistry for Individuals With Special Needs Endodontic Therapy Restoration of Implant and Surgical Placement of Implant.
5. A high level of confidence includes the percent of respondents who felt moderately confident and highly confident in their skills in a specific clinical area.