1. Molecular Genetics Laboratory UILDMSanta Lucia Foundation, IRCCS Rome Italy
2. S. Pietro Fatebenefratelli HospitalUOSD Medical Genetics Rome Italy
3. Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, School of MedicineUniversity of Rome 'Tor Vergata' Rome Italy
4. Department of Chemical‐Toxicological and Pharmacological Evaluation of DrugsCatholic University Our Lady of Good Counsel Tirana Albania
5. Department of Experimental Medicine and Surgery, School of MedicineUniversity of Rome "Tor Vergata" Rome Italy
6. Department of Life, Health and Environmental SciencesUniversity of L'Aquila L'Aquila Italy
7. Laboratory of Clinical and Behavioral NeurologyIRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation
8. Medical Genetics Unit, Medical Genetics LaboratoryBambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital, IRCCS Rome Italy