1. Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Biological Faculty Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow Russia
AbstractThe musculature is one of the best studied organ systems in brachiopods, being approachable not only by dissecting recent species of brachiopods, but also by exploring muscle scars in fossil material. In the present study, the muscular anatomy of Novocrania anomala is studied using 3D reconstructions based on microcomputed tomography. Muscles of N. anomala may be subdivided into two groups: those related to movements of the lophophore, and those connected to movements of shell valves. Muscles, their morphology and possible functions, such as brachial protractors, elevators, and retractors, as well as anterior adductors, are described and discussed. We also provide the discussion of craniid muscle terminology, consider the valve‐opening mechanism. The investigation of muscle scars on dorsal valves supports the conclusion that the shape of muscle scars should be used for description and distinction of recent and extinct species only when visible distinctness cannot be explained by substrate differences. This study, which is aimed at improving our understanding the anatomy and functioning of muscles in craniids, will be useful not only for zoologists, but also for paleontologists.
Russian Science Foundation