1. A Method of Coding Chemicals for Correlation and Classification, Washington, D.C. Chemical-Biological Co-ordination Center, National Research Council, 1950.
2. p. 76 et seq. of Reference 1.
3. “A New Notation and Enumeration System for Organic Compounds,” London; Longmans, Green and Co., 1st edition 1947, 2nd edition 1949.
4. and , “A Review of Notational Systems for Designating Organic Structural Formulas,” submitted to the Codification Commission of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 1951.
5. , and , “Chemical Ciphering,” Royal Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland, Proc. XIth. Int. Congress of Pure and Appl. Chem., (London, 1947), Vol. II, Sect, III, p. 115.