1. Allen D. Auzerais F. Dussan E. Goode P. Ramakrishnan T.S. Schwartz L. Wilkinson D. Fordham E. Hammond P. andWilliams R. “Invasion Revisited ”Schlumberger Oilfield Review July1991 pp.10–23.
2. Allen D.F. andJacobsen S.J. “Resistivity Profiling with a Multi‐Frequency Induction Sonde ”SPWLA 28thAnnual Logging Symposium London June 29‐July 2 1987.
3. Allen M.B. andPinder G.F. “The Convergence of Upstream Collocation in the Buckley‐Leverett Problem ” SPE Paper No. 10978 57thAnnual Fall Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers New Orleans La. Sept. 26‐29 1982.