1. Department of Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy; University of Fribourg; Fribourg Switzerland
2. Department of Psychology, Psychological Assessment and Health Psychology; University of Konstanz; Constance Germany
3. Institute of Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Epidemiology; University of Basel; Basel Switzerland
4. Provincial Specialized Eating Disorders Program for Children and Adolescents, British Columbia Children's Hospital, Vancouver, Canada & Department of Psychiatry; University of British Columbia; Vancouver Canada
5. Department of Psychiatry; University of British Columbia; Vancouver Canada
6. Faculty of Psychology, Mental Health Research and Treatment Center; Ruhr-University Bochum; Bochum Germany
7. Privatklinik Aadorf; Aadorf Switzerland
8. Kompetenzzentrum für Essverhalten, Adipositas und Psyche Spital Zofingen; Zofingen Switzerland
9. Klinik für Konsiliarpsychiatrie und Psychosomatik, Medizinische Fakultät; Universitätsspital Zürich; Zürich Switzerland
10. Privatklinik Schützen; Rheinfelden Switzerland