1. PACEA, UMR 5199 Université de Bordeaux, CNRS, Ministère de la Culture Pessac France
2. Czech Institute of Egyptology Faculty of Arts, Charles University Prague Czech Republic
3. Department of Anthropology University of Illinois Urbana Illinois USA
4. Department of Egypt and Sudan The British Museum London UK
5. Department of Anthropology Natural History Museum, National Museum Prague Czech Republic
6. Institut d'Archéologie University of Neuchâtel Hauterive Switzerland
7. Research Centre in Evolutionary Anthropology and Paleoecology School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University Liverpool UK
8. Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences Poznan Poland
9. Centro Studi Sudanesi e Sub‐Sahariani ONLUS, Strada Canizzano Treviso Italy
10. Institute of Archaeology Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague Prague Czech Republic