1. Prof. Yu. A. Zaharov, Prof. V. M. Pugachev, Dr. K. A. Datiy; Chair of Chemistry of Solids and Materials Chemistry Institute of Fundamental Sciences Kemerovo State University; Krasnaya str., 6-1331 Kemerovo Russia
2. Prof. Yu. A. Zaharov, Dr. K. A. Datiy, Dr. A. N. Popova; Lab of Inorganic Nanomaterials The Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences; Sovetskiy av., 18 Kemerovo Russia
3. Prof. V. I. Ovcharenko, Dr. A. S. Bogomyakov; Lab of Multispin Coordination Compounds Institute “International Tomography Center” Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences; Institutskaya str., 3а Novosibirsk Russia