1. Department of ChemistryUniversity of Prince Edward Island Charlottetown Prince Edward Island C1A 4P3 Canada
2. Max Planck Institute of Colloids and InterfacesDepartment of Colloid Chemistry Potsdam 14476 Germany
3. Centre for Materials ScienceSchool of Chemistry and PhysicsQueensland University of Technology (QUT) Brisbane QLD 4001 Australia
4. Institute of ChemistryMartin Luther University Halle‐Wittenberg Halle (Saale) 06120 Germany
5. Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP Potsdam‐Golm 14476 Germany
6. School of Chemical EngineeringUniversity of New South Wales Sydney NSW 2052 Australia
7. Institute of Polymer ChemistryUniversity of Stuttgart Stuttgart 70569 Germany
8. German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf 73770 Germany
9. Department of Polymer ScienceThe University of Akron Akron OH 44325‐3909 USA
10. South China Advanced Institute for Soft Matter Science and TechnologySouth China University of Technology Guangzhou 510640 China
11. University of LyonUniversity Claude Bernard Lyon 1 CPE Lyon, CNRS, UMR 5265, Chemistry, Catalysis, Polymers and Processes (C2P2) Villeurbanne 69616 France
12. Department of PhysicsUniversity of Ioannina Ioannina 45110 Greece
13. Department of ChemistryJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Mainz 55128 Germany
14. Department of Chemistry and Industrial ChemistryUniversity of Pisa Pisa 56124 Italy
15. Department of Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringNorth Carolina State University Raleigh NC 27695‐7905 USA
16. Heinrich‐Heine‐University DüsseldorfInstitute for Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry Düsseldorf 40225 Germany
17. Department of Organic and Macromolecular ChemistryGhent University Ghent B‐9000 Belgium
18. Department of Chemical Science and EngineeringTokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo 152‐8552 Japan
19. Department of Biomedical EngineeringTufts University Medford MA 02155 USA
20. Department of ChemistryLaval University Quebec City QC G1V 0A6 Canada
21. Institute of Biomaterial ScienceHelmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht Teltow 14513 Germany
22. Institute of ChemistryUniversity of Potsdam Potsdam 14476 Germany
23. Department of Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringNational University of Singapore Singapore 117585 Singapore
24. Biodesign Center for Sustainable Macromolecular Materials and Manufacturing (BCSM3)Arizona State University Tempe AZ 85281 USA
25. IPOC‐Functional PolymersInstitute of Polymer ChemistryUniversity of Stuttgart Stuttgart 70569 Germany
26. Université de StrasbourgCNRS, Institut Charles Sadron, UPR22 67034 Strasbourg Cedex 2 France
27. Department of ChemistryCarnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh PA 15213 USA
28. Institute of Organic Chemistry and Institute of Toxicology and GeneticsKarlsruhe Institute of Technology Karlsruhe 76131 Germany
29. Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research Mainz 55128 Germany
30. School of ChemistryThe University of Sydney Sydney NSW 2006 Australia
31. WACKER‐Chair of Macromolecular ChemistryCatalysis Research CenterTechnical University Munich Garching 85748 Germany
32. Department of Polymer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst Amherst MA 01003 USA
33. Department of ChemistryUniversity of Florida Gainesville FL 32611‐7200 USA
34. Department of MaterialsETH Zürich Zürich 8093 Switzerland
35. Laboratory of Organic and Macromolecular ChemistryFriedrich Schiller University Jena Jena D‐07743 Germany
36. Johannes Gutenberg‐Universität MainzDepartment of Chemistry Mainz D‐55128 Germany
37. Macromolecular Chemistry and PhysicsWiley‐VCH Weinheim 69469 Germany
38. Department of Chemical and Materials EngineeringUnivdersity of Alberta Edmonton T6G 1H9 Canada
39. School of ChemistryBeihang University Beijing 100191 China
40. Department of ChemistryHong Kong University of Science and Technology Clear Water Bay Kowloon Hong Kong
41. Department of Chemistry and BiochemistryUniversity of South Carolina Columbia SC 29208 USA
42. Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer ChemistryKarlsruhe Institute of Technology Karlsruhe 76128 Germany
43. Laboratory of Polymers and BiomaterialsItalian Institute of Technology Genova 16163 Italy
44. Department of PhysicsHong Kong University of Science and Technology Clear Water Bay Kowloon Hong Kong
45. Institute of Materials ChemistryTechnische Universität Wien Vienna 1060 Austria
46. Institute of Physical ChemistryGeorg‐August‐University Göttingen Göttingen D‐37077 Germany
47. Institute of Macromolecular ChemistryLeibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden Dresden D‐01069 Germany
48. Department of ChemistryUniversity of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham AL 35294 USA
49. Adolphe Merkle InstituteUniversity of Fribourg Fribourg CH‐1700 Switzerland
50. Materials Science and EngineeringCornell University Ithaca NY 14853 USA
51. Department of Applied Biology and Chemical TechnologyHong Kong Polytechnic University Hung Hom Hong Kong
52. Department of ChemistryChinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong
53. Department of ChemistryIstanbul Technical University Maslak Istanbul Turkey
54. Department of Materials and Environmental ChemistryStockholm University Stockholm 10691 Sweden
55. School of Materials Science and EngineeringSouth China University of Technology Guangzhou 510640 China