1. Aristovskaya T.V.1961. Accumulation of iron in breakdown of organominereal humus complexes by microorganisms (in Russian). Dokl. Akad. Nauk. S.S.S.R.136: 954–957.
2. Aristovskaya T.V.1963. On the decomposition of organic minreal compounds in podzolic soils. Pochvoved. Akad. Nauk. S.S.S.R.1: 30–42.
3. Pseudomonas mixta sp. nov., a Bacterium from Soil with Degradative Activity on a Variety of Complex Polysaccharides
4. Kinetic studies of pigment synthesis by non-sulfur purple bacteria
5. Phylogenetic Relationships and Uncertain Taxonomy of Pedomicrobium Species