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2. D.R. Brown D.L. Anair C.R. Johnson Jr. Fractionally sampled linear detector for DS-CDMA Conference Record of the Thirty-Second Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers, 1873 1877
3. P. Schniter Minimum-entropy blind acquisition/equalization for uplink DS-CDMA Proceedings of the 36 th Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing 1998
4. P. Schniter Linear and decision feedback equalization structures for asynchronous DS-CDMA under ICI http://www.ece.osu.edu/∼schniter/research.html 1998
5. P. Schniter C.R. Johnson , Jr. On the robustness of blind linear receivers for short-code CDMA 2 nd IEEE Signal Processing workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications 13 16 1999