Semiconductor‐to‐Metal‐like Transition Behavior under Temperature Variation for Inkjet Printed PEDOT:PSS Tracks Embedded in Polymer


Moagăr-Poladian Gabriel1ORCID,Mitra Kalyan Yoti2ORCID,Mitra Dana2,Thalheim Robert2ORCID,Zichner Ralf2,Moagăr-Poladian Victor1,Pachiu Cristina1,Dumbrăvescu Niculae1,Vasilache Dan1


1. Departments: L5 - Integrated Laboratory of Advanced Technologies for Micro and Nanosystems Research Centre for Nanotechnologies and Carbon‐based Nanomaterials (CENASIC) L4 ‐ Research Centre of Excellence “Micro‐ and nanosystems for radiofrequency and photonics” L9 ‐ Centre of Nanotechnologies (CNT‐IMT) National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnology – IMT Bucharest Str. Erou Iancu Nicolae 126A 077190 Bucureşti-Voluntari Romania

2. Department Printed Functionalities Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems Technologie-Campus 3 09126 Chemnitz Germany


Herein, it is intended to show the effect of embedding an inkjet printed poly(3,4‐ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) track in an insulator polymer, impacting its electronic transition behavior, as a consequence of temperature variation. A transition from semiconductor‐to‐metal‐like behavior is observed, when the temperature is seen to exceed a certain value, which is of a nonchemical origin. Both the presented experimental and simulation results show how this transition really occurs. The proposed physical mechanism for explaining such a behavior is verified with good repeatability. The main conclusion indicates consideration of special precautions, while enclosing inkjet‐printed PEDOT:PSS‐based tracks or sensors operating under ambient conditions, along with fluctuations. This conclusion can potentially be applied to any other inkjet printed conductive organic polymer film embedded in an insulator that fulfills the conditions encountered in the experiments. The impact of this effect may be reduced and mitigated by using inkjet printing, in combination with other additive manufacturing technique. The results presented here are considered very important, as they lay the foundation for the correct compensation of the thermal drift of organic electronics‐based circuits.


Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Unitatea Executiva pentru Finantarea Invatamantului Superior, a Cercetarii, Dezvoltarii si Inovarii




Materials Chemistry,Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Surfaces, Coatings and Films,Surfaces and Interfaces,Condensed Matter Physics,Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials







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