A comprehensive analysis of autocorrelation and bias in home range estimation


Noonan Michael J.12ORCID,Tucker Marlee A.34ORCID,Fleming Christen H.12ORCID,Akre Thomas S.1,Alberts Susan C.5,Ali Abdullahi H.6,Altmann Jeanne7,Antunes Pamela Castro8,Belant Jerrold L.9,Beyer Dean10,Blaum Niels11,Böhning‐Gaese Katrin34,Cullen Laury12,Paula Rogerio Cunha13,Dekker Jasja14,Drescher‐Lehman Jonathan115,Farwig Nina16,Fichtel Claudia17,Fischer Christina18,Ford Adam T.19,Goheen Jacob R.20,Janssen René21,Jeltsch Florian11ORCID,Kauffman Matthew22,Kappeler Peter M.17,Koch Flávia17,LaPoint Scott2324ORCID,Markham A. Catherine25,Medici Emilia Patricia26,Morato Ronaldo G.1327ORCID,Nathan Ran28,Oliveira‐Santos Luiz Gustavo R.8,Olson Kirk A.129,Patterson Bruce D.30,Paviolo Agustin31ORCID,Ramalho Emiliano Esterci2732,Rösner Sascha16,Schabo Dana G.16,Selva Nuria33,Sergiel Agnieszka33,Xavier da Silva Marina34,Spiegel Orr35ORCID,Thompson Peter2,Ullmann Wiebke11,Zięba Filip36,Zwijacz‐Kozica Tomasz36,Fagan William F.2,Mueller Thomas34,Calabrese Justin M.12ORCID


1. Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute National Zoological Park 1500 Remount Road Front Royal Virginia 22630 USA

2. Department of Biology University of Maryland College Park Maryland 20742 USA

3. Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung Senckenberganlage 25 60325 Frankfurt (Main) Germany

4. Department of Biological Sciences Goethe University Max‐von‐Laue‐Straße 9 60438 Frankfurt (Main) Germany

5. Departments of Biology and Evolutionary Anthropology Duke University Durham North Carolina 27708 USA

6. Hirola Conservation Programme Garissa 1774‐70100 Kenya

7. Department of Ecology and Evolution Princeton University Princeton New Jersey 08544 USA

8. Department of Ecology Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul Campo Grande MS 79070‐900 Brazil

9. Camp Fire Program in Wildlife Conservation College of Environmental Science and Forestry State University of New York Syracuse New York 13210 USA

10. Conservation Ecology Faculty of Biology Philipps‐University Marburg Karl‐von‐Frisch Straße 8 Marburg D‐35043 Germany

11. Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation University of Potsdam Am Mühlenberg 3 14476 Potsdam Germany

12. Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas Nazare Paulista Rod. Dom Pedro I, km 47 Caixa Postal 47 ‐ 12960‐000 Nazaré Paulista SP Brazil

13. National Research Center for Carnivores Conservation Chico Mendes Institute for the Conservation of Biodiversity Estrada Municipal Hisaichi Takebayashi 8600 Atibaia SP 12952‐011 Brazil

14. Jasja Dekker Dierecologie Enkhuizenstraat 26 6843 WZ Arnhem The Netherlands

15. Department of Biology George Mason University 4400 University Drive Fairfax Virginia 22030 USA

16. Michigan Department of Natural Resources 1990 U.S. 41 South Marquette Michigan 49855 USA

17. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology Unit German Primate Center Kellnerweg 4 37077 Göttingen Germany

18. Restoration Ecology Department of Ecology and Ecosystem Management Technische Universität München Emil‐Ramann‐Straße 6 85354 Freising Germany

19. Department of Biology University of British Columbia 1177 Research Road Kelowna British Columbia V1V 1V7 Canada

20. Department of Zoology and Physiology University of Wyoming Laramie Wyoming 82071 USA

21. Bionet Natuuronderzoek Valderstraat 39 6171EL Stein The Netherlands

22. U.S. Geological Survey Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Department of Zoology and Physiology University of Wyoming Laramie Wyoming 82071 USA

23. Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Vogelwarte Radolfzell Am Obstberg 1 D‐78315 Radolfzell Germany

24. Lamont‐Doherty Earth Observatory Columbia University Palisades New York 10964 USA

25. Department of Anthropology Stony Brook University Stony Brook New York 11794 USA

26. Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative (LTCI) Instituto de Pesquisas Ecologicas (IPE) & IUCN SSC Tapir Specialist Group (TSG) Rua Licuala 622, Damha 1, CEP: 79046‐150 Campo Grande Mato Grosso do Sul Brazil

27. Institute for the Conservation of Neotropical Carnivores – Pro‐Carnívoros Atibaia SP 12945‐010 Brazil

28. Movement Ecology Laboratory Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Edmond J. Safra Campus Jerusalem 91904 Israel

29. Wildlife Conservation Society Mongolia Program 201 San Business Center Amar Street 29, Small Ring Road, Sukhbaatar District Post 20A, Box‐21 Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

30. Integrative Research Center Field Museum of Natural History Chicago Illinois 60605 USA

31. Instituto de Biología Subtropical Universidad Nacional de Misiones and CONICET Bertoni 85 3370 Puerto Iguazú Misiones Argentina

32. Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá Estrada do Bexiga, 2.584 Bairro Fonte Boa Caixa Postal 38 69.553‐225 Tefé Amazonas Brazil

33. Institute of Nature Conservation Polish Academy of Sciences Mickiewicza 33 31‐120 Krakow Poland

34. Projeto Carnívoros do Iguaçu Parque Nacional do Iguaçu BR‐469, Km 22.5, CEP 85851‐970 Foz do Iguaçu PR Brazil

35. School of Zoology Faculty of Life Sciences Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv 69978 Israel

36. Tatra National Park Kuźnice 1 34‐500 Zakopane Poland


National Science Foundation

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Robert Bosch Stiftung

National Aeronautics and Space Administration




Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics








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