1. and , “Equipment Leaks of VOC: Emissions and Their Control,” Paper no. 84–62.1 presented at 77th Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association, San Francisco, California, June 24–29, 1984.
2. US Environmental Protection Agency, Control of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks For Synthetic Organic Chemical and Polymer Manufacturing Equipment, Research Triangle Park, NC. Publication No. EPA–450/3–83–006, 1983.
3. Radian Corporation, Emission Factors for Equipment Leaks of VOC and HAP, Research Triangle Park, NC. Publication No. EPA–450/3–86–002, January, 1986.
4. and , “Continuous Monitoring of Ethylene Oxide Fugitive Emissions,” paper presented at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association, New York, NY, June 23 to 26, 1987.
5. Testimony on behalf of the Ethylene Oxide Industry Council before the National Air Pollution Control Techniques Advisory Committee (NAPCTAC), August, 1986.