1. and , “Assessment of International Technologies for Superfund Applications–Technology Review and Trip Report Results,” Alliance Technologies Corporation, EPA Contract No. 68–03–3243, Final Report, July 1988.
2. “NATO/CCMS Pilot Study: Demonstration of Remedial Action Technologies for Contaminated Land and Ground Water,” First Intenational Workshop, Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germay, March 16–20, 1987.
3. et al., “Assessment of International Technologies for Superfund Applications–Technology Idenification and Selection,” Alliance Technologies Corporation, EPA Contract No. 68–03–3243, Final Report, March 1988.
4. “Installatie Voor Het Reinigen Van Ground,” Brochure from the Heijmans Milieutechniek b.v. Bodemsanering Corporation, The Netherlands, January 1988.
5. “Harbauer Soil Cleaning Process,” Brochure from the Harbauer GmbH Corporation, Federal Republic of Germany, Updated.