1. Department of Clinical Molecular Medicine & Newborn Screening CenterChildren's Hospital of Chongqing Medical UniversityChongqing China
2. Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Child Development and Disorders Chongqing China
3. China International Science and Technology Cooperation base of Child development and Critical Disorders Chongqing China
4. Chongqing Key Laboratory of PediatricsChongqing China
5. National Clinical Research Center for Child Health and DisordersChongqing China
6. School of Life ScienceXiamen UniversityXiamen Fujian China
7. Department of Medical GeneticsLiuzhou Maternal and Child Health HospitalLiuzhou Guangxi China
8. Newborn Screening Center of ZhejiangChildren's Hospital of Zhejiang University School of MedicineHangzhou Zhejiang China
9. Center of Clinical LaboratoryMaternal and Child Health Hospital of Hubei ProvinceWuhan Hubei China
10. Center of Clinical LaboratoryMaternal and Child Health Care Hospital of Hainan ProvinceHaikou Hainan China
11. Key Laboratory of Newborn Screening Center of YunfuYunfu Guangdong China
12. Fujian Neonatal Screening CenterFujian Maternal and Children Health HospitalFuzhou Fujian China
13. Newborn Screening Center of SichuanMaternal and Child Health Hospital of Sichuan ProvinceChengdu Sichuan China
14. Newborn Screening Center of NanningMaternal and Child Health Hospital of NanningNanning Guangxi China
15. Maternal and Child Health Hospital of YongzhouYongzhou Hunan China
16. Qingdao Women & Children Hospital Neonatal Screening LabQingdao Shandong China
17. Bijie Municipal Medical Technology Section of Healthcare and Family Planning Service CenterBijie Guizhou China
18. Dongguan Newborn Screening CenterDongguan Maternal & Infant Health HospitalDongguan Guangdong China
19. Medical Genetic Center of Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Shaoguan CityShaoguan Guangdong China
20. Newborn Screening Center of MeizhouMeizhou Guangdong China
21. Newborn Screening Center of FoshanFoshan Guangdong China
22. Department of Clinical LaboratoryThe Second Affiliated Hospital & Yuying Children's Hospital of Wenzhou Medical UniversityWenzhou Zhejiang China
23. Neo‐Screening SectionZaozhuang Maternal and Child Health HospitalZaozhuang Shandong China
24. Department of Eugenics and GeneticMaternal and Child Health Hospital of Xiangtan CityXiangtan Hunan China
25. Neonatal Screening DepartmentPrenatal Diagnosis DepartmentGenetic Medical CenterNorthwest Women and Children's HospitalXi'an Shanxi China
26. Clinical LaboratoryMaternal and Child Health Hospital of ShangluoShangluo Shanxi China
27. Newborn Screening Center of ChangdeChangde Hunan China
28. Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Hunan ProvinceChangsha Hunan China
29. Maternal and Child Health Hospital of ShaoyangShaoyang Hunan China
30. Maternal and Child Health Hospital of LinyiLinyi Shandong China
31. Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Tai'anTai'an Shandong China
32. Newborn Screening Center of BaojiBaoji Shanxi China
33. Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Yan'anYan'an Shanxi China
34. Newborn Screening Center of YueyangYueyang Hunan China
35. Gastrointestinal LaboratoryChildren's HospitalZhejiang University School of MedicineHangzhou Zhejiang China
36. Clinical LaboratoryMaternal and Child Health Hospital of NingboNingbo Zhejiang China
37. Department of Medical StatisticalSchool of Public HealthChongqing Medical UniversityChongqing China
38. Division of Translational and Regenerative MedicineCollege of MedicineUniversity of ArizonaTucson Arizona
39. National Center for Clinical LaboratoriesBeijing China