Clustering and classification of vertical movement profiles for ecological inference of behavior


Barbour Nicole123ORCID,Robillard Alexander J.14,Shillinger George L.35,Lyubchich Vyacheslav1ORCID,Secor David H.1ORCID,Fagan William F.2,Bailey Helen1ORCID


1. Chesapeake Biological Laboratory University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Solomons Maryland USA

2. Department of Biology University of Maryland College Park Maryland USA

3. Upwell Monterey California USA

4. Data Science Lab, Office of the Chief Information Officer Smithsonian Institution Washington DC USA

5. Hopkins Marine Station Stanford University Pacific Grove California USA


AbstractVertical movements can expose individuals to rapid changes in physical and trophic environments—for aquatic fauna, dive profiles from biotelemetry data can be used to quantify and categorize vertical movements. Inferences on classes of vertical movement profiles typically rely on subjective summaries of parameters or statistical clustering techniques that utilize Euclidean matching of vertical movement profiles with vertical observation points. These approaches are prone to subjectivity, error, and bias. We used machine learning approaches on a large dataset of vertical time series (N = 28,217 dives) for 31 post‐nesting leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea). We applied dynamic time warp (DTW) clustering to group vertical movement (dive) time series by their metrics (depth and duration) into an optimal number of clusters. We then identified environmental covariates associated with each cluster using a generalized additive mixed‐effects model (GAMM). A convolutional neural network (CNN) model, trained on standard dive shape types from the literature, was used to classify dives within each DTW cluster by their shape. Two clusters were identified with the DTW approach—these varied in their spatial and temporal distributions, with dependence on environmental covariates, sea surface temperature, bathymetry, sea surface height anomaly, and time‐lagged surface chlorophyll a concentrations. CNN classification accuracy of the five standard dive profiles was 95%. Subsequent analyses revealed that the two clusters differed in their composition of standard dive shapes, with each cluster dominated by shapes indicative of distinct behaviors (pelagic foraging and exploration, respectively). The use of these two machine learning approaches allowed for discrete behaviors to be identified from vertical time series data, first by clustering vertical movements by their movement metrics (DTW) and second by classifying dive profiles within each cluster by their shapes (CNN). Statistical inference for the identified clusters found distinct relationships with environmental covariates, supporting hypotheses of vertical niche switching and vertically structured foraging behavior. This approach could be similarly applied to the time series of other animals utilizing the vertical dimension in their movements, including aerial, arboreal, and other aquatic species, to efficiently identify different movement behaviors and inform habitat models.


National Science Foundation




Ecology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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