1. CNRS Centrale Lille, UMR 520 – IEMN, LIA LICS University Polytechnique Hauts‐de‐France, University of Lille Lille F‐59000 France
2. CNRS INRA ENSCL, UMR 8207–UMET– Materials and Transformations Unit University of Lille Lille 59655 France
3. Endress+Hauser Group Fribourg‐en‐Brisgau 4153 Allemagne
4. Department of Physics Sultan Qaboos University P. O. Box 36 Muscat PC 123 Oman
5. Lille Laboratory of Electrical Engineering and Power Electronics (L2EP) University of Lille Villeneuve d'Ascq Bât. ESPRIT – 59655 France