1. Section of Pediatric Surgery C.S. Mott Children's Hospital Ann Arbor Michigan USA
2. Department of Pathology C.S. Mott Children's Hospital Ann Arbor Michigan USA
3. Department of Hematology/Oncology C.S. Mott Children's Hospital Ann Arbor Michigan USA
4. Department of Pediatric Surgery Nationwide Children's Hospital Toledo Ohio USA
AbstractImplications of repeated resections of pulmonary metastasis (PM) are not well documented in the modern era. Fifteen children underwent two (n = 8), three (n = 3), or four or more (n = 3) resections (total = 38 procedures), most commonly for osteosarcoma (71%). Operative approach included muscle‐sparing thoracotomy (71%), non‐muscle‐sparing thoracotomy (18%), and video‐assisted thoracoscopy (11%). Median resected nodules per procedure was four (range = 1–95). Prolonged air leaks were the most common postoperative complication (29%). Median hospital stay was 4 days, and no children were discharged with or have required oxygen. Event‐free survival is 67% at median follow‐up time of 54 months, with an overall survival rate of 64%. Repeat resection of PM appears to be well tolerated, without prolonged hospital stays or compromised pulmonary function.