1. Department of Chemistry – ÅngströmThe Theoretical Chemistry Programme, Uppsala UniversityBox 518Uppsala751 20 Sweden
2. Dipartimento di Chimica “G. Ciamician”Università di Bolognavia Selmi 2, IT‐40126Bologna Italy
3. Department of ChemistryUniversity at Buffalo, State University of New YorkBuffalo New York14260‐3000 USA
4. Department of ChemistrySupercomputing Institute, and Chemical Theory Center, University of MinnesotaMinneapolis Minnesota55455‐0431 USA
5. Division of Quantum and Physical Chemistry, and INPAC, Institute for Nanoscale Physics and ChemistryKatholieke Universiteit Leuven Celestijnenlaan200F3001 Belgium
6. Department of ChemistryCopenhagen University, Universitetsparken 5Copenhagen Ø2100 Denmark
7. Uppsala Center for Computational Chemistry — UC3, Uppsala UniversityBox 518Uppsala751 20 Sweden
8. Université d'Aix‐Marseille, CNRS, Institut de Chimie RadicalaireCampus Étoile/Saint‐Jérôme Case 521, Avenue Esc. Normandie NiemenMarseille Cedex 2013397 France
9. Unidad Docente de Química Física, Universidad de Alcalá, E‐28871 Alcalá de HenaresMadrid Spain
10. Université de Lyon, CNRS, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon46 Allée d'ItalieLyon Cedex 07F‐69364 France
11. Max Planck Institut für FestkörperforschungHeisenbergstraße 1Stuttgart70569 Germany
12. Department of Chemistry and BiochemistryTexas Tech University, Memorial Circle and Boston, Lubbock Texas79409‐1061 USA
13. Institute for Theoretical Chemistry, University of ViennaWähringerstraße 17ViennaA‐1090 Austria
14. Department of Theoretical ChemistryLund University, Chemical CenterP.O.B 124 S‐221 00Lund Sweden
15. Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS)Wilhelm‐Johnen‐StraßeJülich52425 Germany
16. Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and PharmacyUniversity of Sienavia Aldo Moro 2Siena53100 Italy
17. Chemistry DepartmentBowling Green State University141 Overman HallBowling Green Ohio43403 USA
18. Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg & Labex NIEUniversité de Strasbourg, CNRS UMR 750423 Rue du LoessStrasbourg67034 France
19. Centre for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Department of ChemistryUniversity of OsloP.O. Box 1033 BlindernOslo0315 Norway
20. College of Chemistry and EnvironmentSouth China Normal UniversityGuangzhou510006 China
21. ETH Zurich, Laboratorium für Physikalische ChemieVladimir‐Prelog‐Weg 2ZurichCH‐8093 Switzerland
22. Fritz Haber Center for Molecular DynamicsInstitute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University of JerusalemJerusalem91904 Israel
23. Institut für Theoretische Chemie und Computerchemie, Heinrich‐Heine‐Universität DüsseldorfUniversitätsstraße 1Düsseldorf40225 Germany