Carbon Dioxide Capture by Emerging Innovative Polymers: Status and Perspectives


Darmayanti Made Ganesh12ORCID,Tuck Kellie L.1ORCID,Thang San H.1ORCID


1. School of Chemistry Monash University Clayton Campus Victoria 3800 Australia

2. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences University of Mataram Jalan Majapahit 62 Mataram Nusa Tenggara Barat 83125 Indonesia


AbstractA significant amount of research has been conducted in carbon dioxide (CO2) capture, particularly over the past decade, and continues to evolve. This review presents the most recent advancements in synthetic methodologies and CO2 capture capabilities of diverse polymer‐based substances, which includes the amine‐based polymers, porous organic polymers, and polymeric membranes, covering publications in the last 5 years (2019–2024). It aims to assist researchers with new insights and approaches to develop innovative polymer‐based materials with improved capturing CO2 capacity, efficiency, sustainability, and cost‐effective, thereby addressing the current obstacles in carbon capture and storage to sooner meeting the net‐zero CO2 emission target.


Australian Research Council



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