4D‐Printed Soft and Stretchable Self‐Folding Cuff Electrodes for Small‐Nerve Interfacing


Hiendlmeier Lukas12ORCID,Zurita Francisco12ORCID,Vogel Jonas1ORCID,Del Duca Fulvia12ORCID,Al Boustani George12ORCID,Peng Hu1ORCID,Kopic Inola1ORCID,Nikić Marta1ORCID,F. Teshima Tetsuhiko12ORCID,Wolfrum Bernhard12ORCID


1. Neuroelectronics Munich Institute of Biomedical Engineering School of Computation, Informatics and Technology Technical University of Munich Hans‐Piloty‐Str. 1 85748 Garching Germany

2. Medical & Health Informatics Laboratories NTT Research Incorporated 940 Stewart Dr Sunnyvale CA 94085 USA


AbstractPeripheral nerve interfacing (PNI) has a high clinical potential for treating various diseases, such as obesity or diabetes. However, currently existing electrodes present challenges to the interfacing procedure, which limit their clinical application, in particular, when targeting small peripheral nerves (<200 µm). To improve the electrode handling and implantation, a nerve interface that can fold itself to a cuff around a small nerve, triggered by the body moisture during insertion, is fabricated. This folding is achieved by printing a bilayer of a flexible polyurethane printing resin and a highly swelling sodium acrylate hydrogel using photopolymerization. When immersed in an aqueous liquid, the hydrogel swells and folds the electrode softly around the nerve. Furthermore, the electrodes are robust, can be stretched (>20%), and bent to facilitate the implantation due to the use of soft and stretchable printing resins as substrates and a microcracked gold film as conductive layer. The straightforward implantation and extraction of the electrode as well as stimulation and recording capabilities on a small peripheral nerve in vivo are demonstrated. It is believed that such simple and robust to use self‐folding electrodes will pave the way for bringing PNI to a broader clinical application.


Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung




Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,General Materials Science

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