The Role of Optical Phonon Confinement in the Infrared Dielectric Response of III–V Superlattices


Matson Joseph R.1ORCID,Alam Md Nazmul2,Varnavides Georgios3,Sohr Patrick2,Knight Sean456,Darakchieva Vanya456,Stokey Megan7,Schubert Mathias47,Said Ayman8,Beechem Thomas9,Narang Prineha10,Law Stephanie211,Caldwell Joshua D.112ORCID


1. Interdisciplinary Materials Science Program Vanderbilt University Nashville TN 37212 USA

2. Department of Materials Science and Engineering University of Delaware Newark DE 19716 USA

3. John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Harvard University Cambridge MA 02138 USA

4. Solid State Physics and NanoLund Lund University Lund 22100 Sweden

5. Competence Center for III‐Nitride Technology C3NiT – Janzèn Linköping University Linköping 58183 Sweden

6. Terahertz Materials Analysis Center (THeMAC) Linköping University Linköping 58183 Sweden

7. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Nebraska‐Lincoln Lincoln NE 68588 USA

8. Advanced Photon Source Argonne National Laboratory Argonne IL 60439 USA

9. School of Mechanical Engineering and Birck Nanotechnology Center Purdue University West Lafayette IN 47907 USA

10. Physical Sciences Division College of Letters and Science University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Los Angeles CA 90095 USA

11. Department of Materials Science and Engineering Pennsylvania State University University Park PA 16802 USA

12. Department of Mechanical Engineering Vanderbilt University Nashville TN 37212 USA


AbstractPolar dielectrics are key materials of interest for infrared (IR) nanophotonic applications due to their ability to host phonon‐polaritons that allow for low‐loss, subdiffractional control of light. The properties of phonon‐polaritons are limited by the characteristics of optical phonons, which are nominally fixed for most “bulk” materials. Superlattices composed of alternating atomically thin materials offer control over crystal anisotropy through changes in composition, optical phonon confinement, and the emergence of new modes. In particular, the modified optical phonons in superlattices offer the potential for so‐called crystalline hybrids whose IR properties cannot be described as a simple mixture of the bulk constituents. To date, however, studies have primarily focused on identifying the presence of new or modified optical phonon modes rather than assessing their impact on the IR response. This study focuses on assessing the impact of confined optical phonon modes on the hybrid IR dielectric function in superlattices of GaSb and AlSb. Using a combination of first principles theory, Raman, FTIR, and spectroscopic ellipsometry, the hybrid dielectric function is found to track the confinement of optical phonons, leading to optical phonon spectral shifts of up to 20 cm−1. These results provide an alternative pathway toward designer IR optical materials.


Office of Naval Research

Air Force Office of Scientific Research

U.S. Department of Energy

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

Argonne National Laboratory

National Science Foundation




Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,General Materials Science







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