1. Hydrogen·Fuel Cell Research Center Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) 5 Hwarang‐ro 14‐gil Seongbuk‐gu Seoul 02792 Republic of Korea
2. Department of Chemical Engineering Chungbuk National University Cheongju Chungbuk 28644 Republic of Korea
3. Department of Environment and Energy Engineering Sungshin Women's University Seoul 01133 Republic of Korea
4. School of Chemical Engineering School of Semiconductor and Chemical Engineering Clean Energy Research Center Jeonbuk National University Jeonju 54896 Republic of Korea
5. European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Grenoble 38043 Cedex 9 France
6. Functional Composite Materials Research Center Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) Jeollabuk‐do 55324 Republic of Korea
7. Fuel Cell Research and Demonstration Center Hydrogen Energy Institute Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) Joellabuk‐do 56332 Republic of Korea
8. Pohang Accelerator Laboratory Pohang University of Science and Technology Pohang 37673 Republic of Korea
9. Division of Chemical and Bioengineering Kangwon National University Chuncheon 24341 Republic of Korea
10. Division of Energy & Environmental Technology KIST school University of Science and Technology (UST) Daejeon 34113 Republic of Korea