1. College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Soochow University Suzhou 215000 China
2. College of Engineering Peking University Beijing 100871 China
3. National Innovation Institute of Defense Technology Beijing 100071 China
4. CAS Key Laboratory of Mechanical Behavior and Design of Materials Department of Precision Machinery and Precision Instrumentation University of Science and Technology of China Hefei 230026 China
5. School of Automation Northwestern Polytechnical University Xi'an 710072 China
6. School of Mechanical, Materials, Mechatronic and Biomedical Engineering University of Wollongong Wollongong NSW 2522 Australia
7. College of Textile and Clothing Engineering Soochow University Suzhou 215000 China
8. School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering University of New South Wales Sydney NSW 2052 Australia
9. School of Electronics and Computer Science University of Southampton Southampton SO17 1BJ UK