1. Department of Gastroenterological Surgery Fukuoka University Faculty of Medicine Fukuoka Japan
AbstractThe patient was a 49‐year‐old female with a submucosal tumor (12×12 mm) located in the lesser curvature side of the stomach. The diagnosis by endoscopic ultrasound fine‐needle aspiration was of a gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Computed tomography and endoscopic ultrasound showed gastrointestinal stromal tumor with an intra‐luminal growth type. Endoscopic full‐thickness resection was then performed. To achieve good counter traction, enough safety margin, and minimal defect of muscle, full‐thickness resection via creating a submucosal tunnel was performed as a new technique. The final histological diagnosis was gastrointestinal stromal tumor with R0 resection.
Organic Chemistry,Biochemistry