How reliable is the X‐ray fluorescence‐based differentiation between glass wool and rock wool and the age classification of rock wool?


Paul Andrea1ORCID,Liestmann Zoe12,Zaenker Steffen13,Vogel Kristin1ORCID,Broszies Tanja4,Ostermann Markus1


1. Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und‐prüfung (BAM) Berlin Germany

2. Leibniz‐Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ) Berlin Germany

3. Grünheide (Mark)‐Hangelsberg Germany

4. Institute of Civil Engineering, Chair of Building Physics and Constructions Technische Universität Berlin Berlin Germany


AbstractA prerequisite for the recycling of mineral wool is information about the type of material, that is, whether it is glass wool or rock wool. As mineral wool produced before the year 2000 can be potentially carcinogenic, it is furthermore important to distinguish between “old” and “new” wool when handling the material. Based on VDI 3492, it is possible to determine the material and, in the case of rock wool, the age by analyzing the mass fractions of eight oxides, which are the main components of mineral wool. This study presents the X‐ray fluorescence (XRF) analyses of 141 man‐made mineral fibers collected in Germany. Only in a few cases it was not possible to clearly assign the material type. In contrast, the identification of “old” and “new” rock wool posed a challenge as there were many borderline samples. Based on the available data, a chemometric model was developed that can classify “old” and “new” RW with a sensitivity of 93% and 89% and with a specificity of 100% in both cases. However, care must be taken when oxide contents are close to the specification limits. The reason for this mainly lies in the overlapping intervals of key oxides as suggested by VDI 3492, and, to a lesser extent, in the uncertainties typically occurring in the XRF‐based analysis of oxides. With this study, a comprehensive collection and evaluation of XRF data on mineral wool is made available, which can serve as a reference database for future users.


Bundesinstitut für Bau- Stadt- und Raumforschung



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2. Impact of variations in the chemical composition of vitreous mineral fibers on biopersistence in rat lungs and consequences for regulation







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