1. Influence of UVB radiation on the lethal and sublethal toxicity of dispersed crude oil to planktonic copepod nauplii
2. ASTM International.2004a. Standard guide for conducting static acute toxicity tests with echinoid embryos. E 1563‐98(2004)e1. InAnnual Book of ASTM Standards. Philadelphia PA USA.
3. ASTM International.2004b. Standard guide for conducting static acute toxicity tests starting with embryos of four species of saltwater bivalve molluscs. E 724‐98. InAnnual Book of ASTM Standards. Philadelphia PA USA.
4. ASTM International.2012a. Standard guide for selection of resident species as test organisms for aquatic and sediment toxicity tests. E 1850‐04. InAnnual Book of ASTM Standards. Philadelphia PA USA.
5. ASTM International.2012b. Standard guide for conducting renewal microplate‐based life‐cycle toxicity tests with a marine meiobenthic copepod. E 2317‐04. InAnnual Book of ASTM Standards. Philadelphia PA USA.