1. “Efficient Heuristic Solutions for the Airline Crew Scheduling Problem”, D.B.A. thesis, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 1979.
2. “A Comparison of Relaxations and Heuristics for Certain Crew and Vehicle Scheduling Problems”, presented at National ORSA/TIMS Meeting, Washington, DC (1980).
3. , and , “Experimentation With a Computerized System for Scheduling Mass Transit Vehicles and Crews”, presented at the International Workshop on Urban Passenger, Vehicle, and Crew Scheduling, The University of Leeds, England (July 1980).
4. , , , and , “A Strategic Truck Fleet Sizing Problem Analyzed by a Routing Heuristic”, submitted for publication.
5. and , “Overview of RUCUS Vehicle Scheduling Program (BLOCKS)”, in Preprints: Workshop on Automated Techniques for Scheduling of Vehicle Operators for Urban Public Transportation Services, D. Bergmann and L. Bodin, Eds. (1975).