1. Studio SE, Ltd. Larkspur CO USA
2. Dassault Systèmes and Department of Information Systems Kaunas University of Technology Kaunas Lithuania
AbstractThis paper applies Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) to a case study which defines the global copper market as an enterprise comprising a diverse set of stakeholders and independently operating businesses and industries, with the goal to understand how they might evaluate, execute, or modify their behaviors in response to the diminishing global copper supply. Specifically, we sought to determine if the framework viewpoints, modeling language, and workflow guidance provided in the UAF specification could support the analysis. In a true System of Systems (SoS), the solution (or any improvement) relies on the cooperation of a multitude of independent and unrelated businesses and industries. Several viewpoints of UAF were evaluated to model the SoS, which reveal how certain entities may be motivated to implement solutions, and how those decisions may impact others within the SoS. We also provide observations from the analysis which may serve to improve the utility of UAF in other applications.