Grammar as a Pedagogical Target


Pawlak Mirosław


Abstract Grammar teaching remains one of the most controversial issues in foreign and second language pedagogy. Despite claims that such pedagogical intervention is unnecessary and should even be abandoned, there is broad consensus right now that grammar instruction (GI) is beneficial or even indispensable in some contexts, especially such in which opportunities for everyday exposure to and use of the target language are limited. In addition, research findings provide evidence for the effectiveness of GI with respect to the use of targeted grammar features in controlled and communicative situations, both in the short and long run. Nevertheless, a number of controversial issues remain which are related, among others, to the choice of grammar structures to be taught, the way in which these structures should be included in the syllabus, the intensity and timing of pedagogical interventions, and the selection of instructional options to be employed. Such issues, however, are seldom recognized by L2 teachers in many contexts, and they continue to teach grammar in very traditional ways, focusing on the knowledge of rules and the use of such rules in controlled exercises. In light of these issues, the present entry focuses on the nature of L2 grammar knowledge, considers different instructional options as well as the empirical evidence concerning their effectiveness, and highlights the importance of the use of grammar learning strategies. Such considerations serve as a basis for identifying pedagogical challenges in GI as well as a handful of recommendations for classroom practice. Future research directions are also identified.









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