1. USDA ARS Nat. Peanut Research Lab 1011 Forrester Drive Dawson GA 31742
2. USDA ARS Eastern Regional Res. Cntr. 600 East Mermaid Lane Philadelphia PA 19118
3. USDA ARS Nat. Soil Erosion Lab Purdue Univ. W. Lafayette IN 47907
AbstractSystems engineering was used to identify peanut grading system needs, establish requirements, and compare proposed solutions that meet consensus specifications established by all industry segments. Previous attempts to change the grading system were hindered by difficulty in getting all segments to agree on proposed changes. The systems engineering approach overcame this obstacle. Four conceptual designs that improve the current system are at various stages of development and implementation. These improvements are: high moisture foreign material identification; measuring moisture during sampling; measuring single kernel moisture; and grading larger samples with an automated sample cleaning, shelling, sizing, and data collection system. Each of these improvements help ensure consumer demands for quality are met while not unfairly burdening any one segment of the peanut industry.
Reference18 articles.
1. USDA.1990.Farmers' stock peanuts: Inspection Instructions; Including: Principles of instruction and rules of conduct. USDA. AMS Fruit and Vegetable Division Wash. DC August1990 119pp.
2. Performance of the Visual, Minicolumn and TLC Methods in Detecting Aflatoxin in 20 Contaminated Lots of Farmers Stock Peanuts
3. Comparison of Pneumatic and Automatic Spout Samplers to Determine Grade of Farmers Stock Peanuts
4. Development of a Pneumatic Sampler for Peanuts
5. Diversion program for farmers' stock peanuts with high concentrations of aflatoxin;Dickens J.W.;Oleagineux,1971