1.3.2 Towards a Common Management Process for Projects, Systems Engineering and Software Development?


Davies John K1


1. BAE SYSTEMS Grange Road Christchurch Dorset BH23 4JE UK


AbstractIn harmonising Systems Engineering, Project Management and Software Development Processes, the aim is to provide each project with a single source of best‐practice process definition for the activities it needs to carry out. In this paper, several methods of harmonisation are considered: producing a combined Project Management and Systems Engineering Process, closely integrating the processes, and having loosely coupled engineering and management processes. Drivers for each option are discussed and their advantages and draw‐backs explored.The major issues that emerge are ‘Should Engineering Management be part of the Systems Engineering Process or part of the Project Management Process?’ and ‘Can Engineering Management be considered in a separate process to the Engineering itself?’ In considering these issues, methods and tool issues to support process harmonisation are discussed. The optimum solution to these issues probably depends on the structure of the project and the organisations involved, but it is argued that for Integrated Project Teams, a common management process offers many advantages.




Automotive Engineering

Reference12 articles.

1. BottomleyP.C. BrookP. MorrisP. andStevensR.“A Study of the Relationship of Systems Engineering and Project Management”Systems Engineering: a Matter of Choice. Proceedings of the INCOSE‐UK 4thAnnual Symposium 1998.

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3. DawsonA.J.“Engineering in Integrated Project Teams” SystemsEngineering; Sharing the Future. Proceedings of the INCOSE 1999 Symposium Brighton.

4. EIA 632 Processes for Engineering a System.

5. EIA 731 Systems Engineering Capability Model.








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