1. Asquith GandPickard AC1988 “Fatigue Testing of Gas Turbine Components” in “Full Scale Testing of Components and Structures” ed. Marsh KJ Butterworths August 1988 ISBN 0 408022 44 2. Also published in High Temperature Technology 6.3 p.131 August 1988
2. Beasley R andPickard Ac 2020“The Capability to Engineer Systems Is A System Itself!” INCOSE international Symposium 30:1153–1168
3. Beasley R Nolan AJandPickard AC2014 “When “Yes” is the Wrong Answer” INCOSE-2014-9.2.2 INCOSE International Symposium 24:938–952. doi:10.1002/j.2334-5837.2014.tb03191.x 2014
4. European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) 2018 “EASA Certification Specifications for Engines CS - E” Amendment 5 13 December 2018; see CS-E 15 for terminology CS-E 510 for Safety Analysis CS-E 515 and AMC E 515 for Engine Critical Parts;https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/CS-E%20Amendment%205.pdf.
5. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 2020 “Code of Federal Regulations Part 33 Airworthiness Standards: Aircraft Engines” 15 October 2020 Title 14 Chapter 1 Subchapter C Part 33 §33.75 “Safety Analysis”;https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=eed43786296c5051130faf9170d05790&mc=true&node=pt14.1.33&rgn=div5