1. Institute of Social and Preventive MedicineUniversity of BernBern Switzerland
2. Department of Infectious DiseasesInselspital, Bern University Hospital, University of BernBern Switzerland
3. Division of Infectious Diseases and Hospital EpidemiologyUniversity Hospital ZurichZurich Switzerland
4. Institute of Medical VirologyUniversity of ZurichZurich Switzerland
5. Division of Infectious Diseases and Hospital EpidemiologyUniversity Hospital BaselBasel Switzerland
6. Infectious Diseases Service, Department of MedicineUniversity Hospital and University of Lausanne LausanneSwitzerland
7. Division of Infectious DiseasesLugano Regional HospitalLugano Switzerland
8. Division of Infectious DiseasesUniversity Hospital GenevaGeneva Switzerland
9. Division of Infectious Diseases and Hospital EpidemiologyCantonal Hospital St. GallenSt. Gallen Switzerland
10. Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology & ResearchUniversity of Cape TownCape Town South Africa