1. Department of Medical Oncology Dana‐Farber Cancer Institute Boston Massachusetts
2. Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Vermont Burlington Vermont
3. International Breast Cancer Study Group Statistical Center Division of Biostatistics Dana‐Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School Boston Massachusetts
4. Kantonsspital St. Gallen St. Gallen Switzerland
5. International Breast Cancer Study Group and Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research Bern Switzerland
6. International Breast Cancer Study Group and University of Sydney Sydney New South Wales Australia
7. International Breast Cancer Study Group Coordinating Center Bern Switzerland
8. Department of Medical Oncology, Inselspital Bern University HospitalUniversity of Bern Bern Switzerland
9. Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research Bern Switzerland
10. Division of Biostatistics Dana‐Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School Boston Massachusetts
11. Department of Oncology Centre for Cancer and Organ Diseases University of Copenhagen Copenhagen Denmark
12. Regional Cancer and Blood Service Auckland City Hospital Auckland New Zealand
13. Department of Oncology Universitair Ziekenhuis Leuven Leuven Belgium
14. Oncology Clinic Istenhegyi Géndiagnosztika Private Health Center Budapest Hungary
15. Department of Medical Oncology Bergonié Institute Bordeaux France
16. National Institute for Health Research Manchester Clinical Research Facility at the Christie National Health Service Foundation Trust, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre and Division of Cancer Sciences, School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Biology Medicine and Health, University of Manchester Manchester United Kingdom
17. European Institute of OncologyIRCCS Milan Italy
18. Hospital of Prato–AUSL Toscana Centro Prato Italy
19. National Institute of Health and Medical Research Unit 981Gustave Roussy Institute Villejuif France