On a ~210 t Caribbean coastal boulder: The huracanolito seaward of the ruins of the Bucanero resort, Juragua, Oriente, Cuba


Pedoja Kevin1ORCID,Dunán‐Avila Pedro2,Jara‐Muñoz Julius3,Authemayou Christine2ORCID,Nuñez‐Labañino Arelis4ORCID,de Gelder Gino5,Chauveau Denovan2ORCID,Peñalver Leandro4,Frometa Pedro De Jesus Benitez4,Martin‐Izquierdo Denyse4,Abella Enrique Castellanos6ORCID,Bertin Stephane2ORCID,Rodríguez‐Valdés Ángel Raúl7,Arango‐Arias Enrique Diego8,Traoré Kalil1,Regard Vincent9ORCID


1. Normandie Univ, Unicaen, Unirouen, CNRS Caen France

2. LGO, IUEM, CNRS, UMR 6538 Université de Bretagne Occidental Plouzané France

3. Hochschule Biberach, Faculty of Civil Engineering Biberach an der Riß Germany

4. Institute of Geology and Paleontology La Habana Cuba

5. Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, ISTerre Grenoble France

6. Dirección de Geología Ministerio de Energía y Minas Havana Cuba

7. Centro de Servicios Ambientales Sancti Spíritus Cuba

8. CENAIS Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Sismológicas Santiago de Cuba Cuba

9. GET, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, IRD, CNES Toulouse France


AbstractCoastal boulder deposits (CBDs), named huracanolitos in Cuba, found along rocky shores, result from storms, tropical cyclones or tsunamis. Despite being important indicators for coastal hazard assessment, determining the mode of emplacement of CBDs (storm/hurricane or tsunami) is not easy. We present, for the first time in English, data about CBDs along the shores of the Cuban Archipelago. More specifically, we focused on a CBD, that is, to our knowledge, the largest one ever described on Cuba Island. Located on a low‐lying coral reef terrace on the SE shore of the island, the reefal limestone CBD is emplaced seaward of the ruins of the Bucanero resort. The resort was built in 1989, endured hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Dennis (2005) and, in October 2012, was destroyed by Hurricane Sandy. As observed on Corona and Landsat satellite images since 1962, the CBD was not moved, neither by hurricane Flora (1963) nor Sandy (2012), both associated with important storm surges and powerful swells. We determined the CBD volume with open‐source structure from motion photogrammetry as 82.6 m3. Then, we estimated from a sample its density as 2550 kg/m3. Finally we calculated its weight as 210.6 tons. We calculated the minimum flow velocity responsible for the emplacement of the CBD 33 ± 2 m inland—6.83 ± 0.54 m/s and 7.26 ± 0.51 m/s. Such flow velocities are compatible with those of both tsunamis and hurricanes. Because of the greater frequency of hurricanes than tsunamis in the area, we propose that a tropical cyclone generated the extreme surge and wave that emplaced the Bucanero CBD. Such CBDs demonstrate that on Cuba's south coast, we can expect marine flooding exceeding the flooding during the major hurricanes of recent decades.




Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous),Earth-Surface Processes,Geography, Planning and Development

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