1. Department of Clinical Science and Services Queen Mother Hospital for Animals Royal Veterinary College Hatfield UK
AbstractA 2‐year‐old, female, entire, German shepherd dog presented for investigation of non‐weight‐bearing right hindlimb lameness following a suspected road traffic accident 1 day prior. Orthopaedic examination confirmed right lateral patellar luxation. Stifle radiographs revealed normal patella positioning with stifle joint effusion and periarticular soft tissue swelling. A surgical approach to the stifle was performed via a craniomedial parapatellar incision. A 10 cm proximodistal tear was present in the medial retinacular muscular fascia, vastus medialis, medial parapatellar fibrocartilage and joint capsule. The soft tissues were meticulously reconstructed using absorbable monofilament sutures. Surgical repair of the traumatised medial soft tissues allowed for complete resolution of the traumatic lateral patellar luxation. Moderate right hindlimb lameness persisted immediately postoperatively and improved to only a mild lameness before discharge (4 days postoperatively). The dog returned to normal exercise, with no lameness or postoperative complications reported at short‐ or long‐term follow‐up (42 and 424 days, respectively).