AbstractThe value of elastic scattering experiments for the determination of interaction potentials between ions and neutral particles is discussed. After a description of typical experimental setups a short introduction to the theory of rainbow scattering is given. Several methods for the evaluation of experimental results are presented. The measured differential cross‐sections and the resulting potential curves are discussed for the proton‐rare gas systems which have been extensively studied. In some cases the experimental data can be compared with quantum chemical calculations. The system He+ ‐ He is chosen to outline the symmetry effects observed in the differential elastic scattering cross‐section in the case of the symmetric rare gas ion‐rare gas atom systems. The potential depths obtained from the experimental rainbow structures are compared with the results of quantum chemical calculations and of semiempirical estimates. Some data derived from elastic scattering of He+ by rare‐gas atoms are presented. Finally experimental results are reviewed for the elastic scattering of protons by simple molecules and of H+2 by Ar‐ and Kr‐atoms.
General Chemical Engineering